The Minnesota Inclusion Initiative is funded through the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) and administered by The Arc Minnesota.

The purpose of this grant is to award funds to self-advocacy groups and organizations working towards community inclusion for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Projects should be aligned with one of the following categories, 

  • Decreasing barriers to workforce participation experienced by persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • Overcoming barriers to accessible and reliable transportation options for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 
  • Identifying and addressing barriers to voting experienced by persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 
  • Advocating for increased accessible housing for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 
  • Working with governmental agencies or businesses on accessibility issues under the Americans with Disabilities Act. 
  • Increasing collaboration between self-advocacy groups and other organizations to effectively address systemic issues that impact persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • Providing public education and awareness of the civil and human rights of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 
  • Increasing capacity for inclusion in a community. 

All grant payments will be given directly to the organization or self advocacy group. We are not able to award grant funds to individuals. Groups must have a financial account associated with their organization to receive grant funds. 

If your group does not have an account, they can partner with an organization who will serve as a financial supporter. The financial supporter will be an organization that can hold money on behalf of your group. If you would like to work with an organization as a financial supporter, please reach out to Marais Wakem at 

If grant funds are awarded, the applying individual will be contacted to provide additional information.

Questions with a red asterisk * are required. 

If you desire an alternative format for completing this application, please contact MII Manager:

Marais Wakem


Crisis Housing Assistance Program for people with a serious mental illness, Funded through the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS), Adult Mental Health Division and Administered by The Arc Minnesota

The Crisis Housing Assistance Fund is a flexible pool of money to provide short-term housing assistance for persons with a serious mental illness whose income is being used to pay for an inpatient or residential treatment of 90 days or less.

The State of Minnesota identifies a serious mental illness diagnosis as one “that seriously limits a person's capacity to function in primary aspects of daily living such as personal relations, living arrangements, work, and recreation

The goal of this program is to help individuals remain in their home while seeking treatment for up to 90 days in a licensed facility.  Funding can only be used for current rent, utilities, garbage, water/sewer, and phone (up to $70 per month).  


Individual must be seeking treatment in one of the following capacities

o In-Patient or Residential Mental Health Care

o Inpatient or Residential Substance Use Disorder Care (must provide documentation of Severe Mental Illness)

o Partial Hospitalization (PHP)

The following must be included with your application:

Proof of income (screenshot of participants bank account information and the screenshot of direct deposit from employment, unemployment , SSI payment, SSDI payment, etc) with identifying information.

A budget detailing expenses and who to pay must be included when submitting an application.  

A letter from a medical professional or documentation detailing diagnosis must be provided with your application that the applicant is receiving treatment for a  serious mental illness who is receiving hospital level psychiatric treatment or Substance Use Disorder Treatment.

Crisis Housing Assistance Program-Release of Information (

Funds can only be used while seeking treatment.

Funds will not be paid directly to the applicant.  All payments will be made directly to the landlord, utility service or phone company.  You will need to provide information as to whom to pay, address and include account numbers for services.

Funds only cover the retention of the applicants current housing.

Once a completed application is received, you will be contacted.  

Payment will be made when eligibility is verified and all documents are submitted.

For more information or assistance, please contact:

Wendy Gerlach

Phone#: 952-915-3698

Fax#: 952-522-3604

La Iniciativa de Inclusión de Minnesota se financia a través del Departamento de Servicios Humanos (Department of Human Services, DHS) de Minnesota, y su administración está a cargo de The Arc Minnesota.

El propósito de esta subvención es otorgar fondos a grupos y organizaciones autorrepresentantes que trabajan por la inclusión en la comunidad orientada a personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo. Los proyectos deben estar alineados con una de las siguientes categorías:

• Reducir las barreras para la inclusión laboral que experimentan las personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo.

• Superar las barreras para contar con opciones de transporte accesibles y confiables para las personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo.

• Identificar y abordar las barreras para el ejercicio del voto que experimentan las personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo.

• Promover más opciones de vivienda asequible para las personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo.

• Trabajar con empresas o agencias gubernamentales para abordar problemas de accesibilidad en virtud de la Ley para Estadounidenses con Discapacidades.

• Aumentar la colaboración entre los grupos autorrepresentantes y otras organizaciones para abordar de manera efectiva problemas sistémicos que afectan a las personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo.

• Aumentar la capacidad de inclusión en una comunidad.

• Brindar educación pública y concientización sobre los derechos humanos y civiles de las personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo.

Todos los pagos de la subvención se realizarán directamente a la organización o grupo autorrepresentante. No podemos otorgar subvenciones a personas físicas. Los grupos deben tener una cuenta financiera asociada con la organización a fin de poder recibir los fondos. Si su grupo no tiene una cuenta, puede asociarse a una organización que actúe como apoyo financiero. Un apoyo financiero (anfitrión fiscal) será una organización que pueda recibir dinero en nombre de su grupo. 

Si se conceden los fondos de la subvención, se contactará a la persona que envió la solicitud para que brinde información adicional.

Las preguntas marcadas con un asterisco rojo * son obligatorias.

Si desea obtener esta solicitud en otro formato, comuníquese con:

Marais Wakem

Correo electrónico:

Minnesota Inclusion Initiative waxaa maalgaliya Waaxda Adeegyada Aadanaha ee Minnesota (Department of Human Services, DHS) oo ay maamusho Arc Minnesota.

Ujeedada deeqdan ayaa ah in lacag lagu abaalmariyo kooxaha iskood u ololeeyay iyo ururada ka shaqeeya kamid noqoshada bulshada ee dadka qaba naafada garaadka iyo korriinka. Mashruucyada waa in loo tiriyaa mid kamid ah qaybaha soo socda:

· Hoos u dhigista caqabadaha ka hor imaanaya kaqaybgalka shaqada ee ay la kulmaan dadka qaba naafada garaadka iyo korriinka.

· Ka gudubka caqabadaha fursadaha helitaanka iyo gaadiid la isku halleyn karo oo loogu talagalay dadka qaba naafada garaadka iyo korriinka.

· Aqoonsiga iyo wax ka qabashada caqabadaha hortaagan codbixinta ee ay la kulmeen dadka qaba naafada garaadka iyo korriinka.

· U ololeynta kordhinta helitaanka guryaha ee dadka qaba naafada garaadka iyo korriinka.

· La shaqaynta hay'adaha duwaliga ah mise ganacsiyada arrimaha helitaanka ee hoos yimaada Xeerka Naafada Maraykanka.

· Kordhinta wada shaqaynta ka dhaxaysa kooxaha isku ololeeya iyo ururada kale si wax ku ool ah wax looga qabto arrimaha nidaamka ee saameeya dadka qaba naafada garaadka iyo korriinka.

· Kordhinta awoodda kamid noqoshada bulshada.

· Bixinta waxbarashada dadweynaha iyo ka warqabka xuquuqda madaniga ah iyo xuquuqda aadanaha ee dadka qaba naafada garaadka iyo korriinka.

Dhammaan lacagaha deeqda ah waxaa si toos ah loo siinayaa ururka mise kooxda iskeed u ololeysa. Ma awoodno inaan shakhsiyaad ku abaal marinno lacagaha deeqda ah. Kooxuhu waa inay lahaadaan akoon maaliyadeed oo la xiriirta ururkooda si ay u helaan lacagaha deeqda ah. Haddii kooxdaadu aanay lahayn akoon, waxay la shirko la noqonyayaan urur u adeegaya sidii taageere dhaqaale. Taageere dhaqaale (dhaqaale haye) ayaa noqon doona urur lacag ku hayn kara magaca kooxdaada. 

Haddii lacagta deeqda la bixiyo, shakhsiga codsanaya ayaa lala xiriiri doonaa si uu u bixiyo macluumaad dheeraad ah.

Su’aalaha leh calaamad cas * ayaa loo baahan yahay.

Haddii aad rabto qaab kale oo aad ku buuxinayso arjigan, fadlan kala xiriir:

Marais Wakem


Qhoos-kas Suav Sau Nyob Ua Ke Ntawm Minnesota tau txais nyiaj pab los ntawm Chaw Ua Haujlwm Pab Cuam Tib Neeg (DHS) Hauv Minnesota [Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS)] thiab raug tswj hwm los ntawm The Arc Minnesota.

Lub hom phiaj ntawm qhov kev pab nyiaj no yog txhawm rau muab nyiaj rau pawg neeg thiab cov koom haum uas muaj kev txhawb nqa tus kheej uas ua haujlwm pub rau tej zej zog uas xam muaj cov neeg muaj kev tsis taus fab laj lim tswv yim thiab fab kev paub tab. Cov phiajxwm no yuav tsum ua raws li ib qho twg ntawm cov qauv cai txuas mus ntxiv no:

· Txo cov kev thaiv cais tsis pub cov neeg ua haujlwm tuaj koom raws li cov neeg muaj kev tsis taus fab laj lim tswv yim thiab fab kev paub tab tau ntsib dhau los.

· Ua kom yeej cov kev thaiv cais tej hau kev xaiv tsheb thauj mus los uas siv tau thiab ntseeg tau rau cov neeg muaj kev tsis taus fab laj lim tswv yim thiab fab kev paub tab.

· Taw qhia txog thiab tham txog cov kev thaiv cais tsis pub xaiv tsa uas cov neeg muaj kev tsis taus fab laj lim tswv yim thiab fab kev paub tab tau ntsib dhau los.

· Txhawb nqa kom muaj vaj tse rau nyob ntau dua qub rau cov neeg muaj kev tsis taus fab laj lim tswv yim thiab fab kev paub tab.

· Ua haujlwm nrog cov koom haum lossis tsoom ua lag luam ntawm nom tswv ntsig txog cov teeb meem kev nkag siv tau raws li Tsab Cai Neeg Asmesliskas Uas Xiam Oob Qhab.

· Ua kom muaj kev sib koom tes ntau ntxiv ntawm pawg neeg thiab lwm lub koom haum uas muaj kev txhawb nqa tus kheej kom los tham cov lus kom muaj txiaj ntsig zoo txog cov teeb meem hom kab ke uas muaj qhov tsis zoo tshwm sim rau cov neeg muaj kev tsis taus fab laj lim tswv yim thiab fab kev paub tab.

· Ua kom muaj peev xwm ntau ntxiv rau suav sau nyob ua ke hauv lub zej zog.

· Muab kev kawm paub rau zej tsoom sawv daws thiab kev paub txog kev muaj cai ntawm pej xeem thiab tib neeg ntawm cov neeg muaj kev tsis taus fab laj lim tswv yim thiab fab kev paub tab.

Tag nrho txhua cov nyiaj pab yuav raug muab ncaj qha mus rau lub koom haum lossis pawg neeg uas muaj kev txhawb nqa tus kheej. Peb tsis muaj peev xwm muab pob nyiaj pab cob rau ib tug neeg twg. Pawg neeg yuav tsum tau muaj ib tug askhauj nyiaj txiag uas si v rau lawv lub koom haum txhawm rau kom tau txais pob nyiaj pab. Yog hais tias koj pawg neeg tsis muaj ib tug askhauj li, ces lawv tuaj yeem koom nrog ib lub koom haum tus uas yuav muab kev pab cuam thaum yog tus neeg pab txhawb fab nyiaj txiag. Tus pab tx hawb fab nyiaj txiag (tus tswv nyiaj txiag) yuav yog ib lub koom haum uas tuaj yeem tuav cov nyiaj sawv cev rau koj pawg neeg. 

Yog hais tias cov nyiaj pab raug tso cai rau muab, ces tus neeg uas tso npe thov ntawd yuav raug tiv tauj kom muab tej ntaub ntawv qee yam ntxiv.

Cov lus nug uas muaj lub cim khaub lig xim liab yuav tseev kom teb.

Yog hais tias koj nyiam kom muaj lwm hom qauv rau xaiv sau kom tiav

kev tso npe thov no, ces thov caw tiv tauj:

Marais Wakem


The Arc Minnesota